Highly-Effective Online Anxiety Therapy for Adults

Therapy for Anxiety

There is never-ending to -do list, overwhelming you to the point of not getting anything done. Maybe it is about the inability to sit and enjoy time with your family or self, as you are always restless. Maybe it is about those worst-case scenarios, that keep playing in your head. All of it just leads to exhaustion. I won’t promise you that your anxiety will go away. In small doses, anxiety has its uses. However, we can work together to tame it through understanding of self and learning different ways to cope.

Anxiety In Mothers

Always worrying-about the children’s safety, health, and happiness. It doesn’t help that you are being constantly bombarded by the news, by experts, and social media about all the things that you have to be vigilant about. It is also possible that you overcame very serious challenges in order to become a mother. And now want to protect the precious human that you get to parent. However, the constant state of fear deprives you of being able to enjoy those moments with your child. There is a better way, let me help.

Anxiety in Asian American Immigrants

Dismissal is what I often think of. When you try to talk about it or express yourself, you feel as if others are cutting you off by causal suggestion on how to fix it. It could be suggestion to meditate, or being told to just stop stressing, or a speedy comment about accepting life as it is. None of these suggestions address the underlying causes that maintains anxiety. It’s important to recognize that managing anxiety requires specific skills and techniques tailored to your individual needs. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a courageous step towards finding a healthier and happier path.

Impacts of Anxiety

Here are some common ways anxiety can impact you:

  • excessive worry or distress that one can’t control

  • fear of the worst thing happening making it difficult to be present in the moment

  • difficulty with concentration

  • bouts of anger bought on by excessive worry and/or fear

  • sleep issues

  • muscle tension

  • possible panic attacks

  • feeling keyed up/on edge

How I can help with your anxiety.

Anxiety, in small doses, can serve a purpose, but when left unchecked, it has the potential to negatively impact every aspect of our lives. That’s why it’s important to cultivate mindfulness as a tool in order to tolerate anxious thoughts and the accompanying uneasiness they bring. Mindfulness has gained significant attention recently, and it’s important to note that it’s not a quick fix or a magical solution. Rather, it is a practice that allows us to gradually build resilience. By engaging in mindfulness, we learn to observe our thoughts and emotions

without judgment or attachment. This practice helps us develop a greater sense of self-awareness and an ability to respond to anxiety in a more balanced way. It’s like exercising a muscle—we strengthen our capacity to navigate and tolerate anxiety through consistent practice. It is about building a healthier relationship with the uncertainty of life.

 You’ve come to the right place to stop the struggle.

Convenient Online Therapy for Residents of over 40 states.

Move beyond your tendency to run from what’s uncomfortable. Get help setting goals, stay focused on tasks even when they’re scary, and start living your life on your terms.

Maybe you have some concerns that therapy won’t work for you.  However, if there is a small part of you that is curious and open to the possibility of thriving, consider calling for your no-obligation, free 15-minute consultation call to discuss.

Contact Hope From Therapy today.
